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Burnside Before

Burnside After

SEEDS - The Leader in Me Wall (2017)



Artist: Carolyn Elaine

Location: Burnside Scholastic Academy


Project Description:  

Burnside Scholastic Academy has rolled out a whole-school transformation process based on a kid-friendly version of Stephen Covey’s popular book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Titled The Leader in Me, this program teaches leadership and life skills to empower every child to be a leader. The program puts Covey’s 7 Habits into kid-friendly language and uses best practices to help students learn critical skills such as responsibility, accountability, problem solving and more.


This interactive Leader in Me hallway mural was designed to support students in conveying what they know about the 7 Habits and how they use them. Each classroom will have an opportunity throughout the school year to display their work, giving the school a daily visual reminder of where they’ve been, where they are and where they need to go.


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